New Life, New Anointing,
New Wine for New Wineskin
New Wine for New Wineskin
New life is symbolized by water, new anointing is symbolized by oil, new wine for new wineskin, new wineskin = man “you must be yielded and naked before God to receive new life, new anointing, and be a new wineskin”
Call to Release
I'm unlocking the depths of your heart to Release!
(prophetic meanings of the colors within the heart)
Prophesy (purple)
Revelation (blue)
Wisdon (red)
Hope & Light (yellow)
Power & Strength (Orange)
Purity & Bride of Christ (white)
Humility (grey)
Mercy (silver)
Glory of God (gold)
Untamed Zeal & Freedom (maroon)
Fear of the Lord (black)
Fire of God (fire)
Word of God (Sword of the Spirit)
Silver Trumpets (Call to deep intimate Worship)
Call to Release!
Spiritual Growth
Spiritual growth is sometimes painful but always necessary to fulfill your purpose
United We Stand
Lampstand- Light, He is the light that will burn forever!
Apple - Good health, tranquil spirit
Grapes - Faithfulness, Spirit of promise
Fruit - Fruit of the Spirit
Big Vine, little vines - I am the Vine you are the branches.
Burning Flames - Worship
Center Flame - Eternal Flame
Golden Apple and Fruit - A result of abiding in the vine is Light, Worship and Love that will
produce Holy and Pure fruit to his Glory.
Israeli Flag - steady and strong ( slighty waving)
US Flag - The flag (strongly waving ) symbolizes the unstable condition of our Nation but regardless
of our condition, we must always continue to stand with Israel and we will continue to bare Holy and Pure fruit to his Glory!
Genesiss 12:3 (KJV) And I will bless them that blesssss thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.