God's Provision
Spirit - Symbolized by the Sword
Soul - Symbolized by Fire
Body - Eagles bringing fruit to nourish the body.
Pillippians 4:19 And my God will liberally supply ( fill to the full) your every need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. (AMP)
The Heavens are Open
The Father - symbolized by a Lion
Jesus - symbolized by a Lamb
Holy spirit - symbolizied by an Angel
Righteousness and Justice are the foundatiion of your throne;
Psalm 89:14 Psalm 97:2
The hands at the bottomof the picture are consumed with the fire of God
engulfed in His presence and glory.
The Heavens are open enabling all, free access to His throne.
God So Loved The World
The blood of Jesus was shed for all people of every Nation.
He is the Light of the World. John 8:12
We are the Light of the World. Matt. 5:14
The Bride belongs to the Bridegroom
The silver temple trumpets sound with a blast as Jesus takes the hand of his Bride before they cross over the river of life into the Bridal Chambers.